Attropolis I

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Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned. The following events probably happened and are based on past real events. The story you’re about to read is based on many documented past beliefs and behaviors.

As any story, many moons ago on a coast, in the city of Creetus, somewhere between Athens and Sparta. Stars were shining in the black of the skies, the waves were hitting the shore, the wind blowing, yet it all came together as a calm and soothing voice that was singing the song of gods. On that night, a boy named Hippos was being born. The oracles were thrilled at his birth, as they saw a great future for him. Maybe a prophecy fulfiller came to be. But they warned Hippos's parents about an evil that was born. Around the same time as Hippos, somewhere in Rome, a boy named Juliusegos de la Capital was born. Years had past, Hippos now in going through mousike, the traditional Athenian way of teaching class, beauty, literature and philosophy, in order to make him a true philanthropist. But this being Creetus, the educational system was a combination of the Athenian and the Spartan way. After a child got to the age of five or six, he was sent to school, to be taught to read, to think, to learn about the history of the place they were living in. As they grew they were thought about more and more complicated subjects from the art of beauty to the art of the war. When the children got in the first year of their teens they were sent to the academy of war, the Spartan way of education named Agoge. Hippos being at the age of five, he is very rambunctious, yet during the lessons he was quieter than the dead pigeon he had found on his way to school that morning, as he took it and gifted it to this very beautiful girl. She had long black luscious hair, her feet were clean, her sandals sparkling in the sun, his first love. She coyly accepted it, but the other few children were laughing, one of the laughing children had a coughing fit, as the coughing fit continued, he started having seizures and a few minutes later died. The laughter had moved on from the two love birds to the one that just had died of laughter. It was tradition to gift the one you love a clam, a seagull's peak in Creetus. But never a pigeon or anything that can be found on land, since this was a coastal city. So the reason the children were laughing was because it was thought that if you gifted something from the sea, it meant that your love was as big as the never ending sea or ocean. But Hippos gifted her the pigeon because he thought that she made him feel like flying, and that the land or sea are just limiting.

Today's lesson was in astrology, as his professor Jonis Aledranxus was telling the children: "Most of us know that those dots in the sky, those flat shiny things are part of the cosmos. Just like we are on this here blue pale flat dot with a sun rotating around us." He and all the children around him were simply in awe at the thought that we were the center of the universe, and they all wondered if they could ever achieve the unimaginable and maybe one day get to the end of the earth. But Jonis Aledranxus continued: "There are only two things men should not do, try to walk to the end of this Earth and try to reach the mountain top. As gods lay at the top and they must not be disturbed at any point for any reason. And the danger of falling in the underworld is way too big for anyone to venture that far. If you might not fall on thy own, you might be dragged by Hades's hounds and monsters down. That is, if you try to reach the edge of the world." The children grew scared, trembling in their seats, as the sun was burning their skins, the idea of Hades was terrifying for everyone, even adults. Just as they dreaded Thanatos, the god of death. Some of the children started crying, some even relieving themselves, afraid that one day Hades or one of his minions might come and drag them to the underworld. Hippos on the other hand was seemingly excited at the thought of gods, the underworld and getting to the edge of the Earth. The teacher seeing the reaction of the children, had the class dismissed. Everyone was heading home for the day, as their next class wasn't until later in the day. And in Rome...


End of Part 1

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Trapped: Winter - Another Excerpt about people.

There’s a reason, it must be. When someone leaves, disappears, lies, goes away for no apparent reason.

There must be a reason behind this lack of crimson. When someone leaves nothing remains to be. They’re gone, no reason to look, no reason to exist.

Thought the temptation is hard to resist. When there’s a reason to look for someone.

Yet we go on like there was once no one. But where’s the sense if there’s a reason, it should make sense…

When you save a soul, you sacrifice another… An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth… From two people for two people, yet no truth.

No one’s blind, but all are hurt, no one’s whole, they all are gone.

What is tougher but to suffer? To choose when, why or for whom to do it.

Does that make any sense?

We choose to choose when to suffer and the reason behind it all. When we could end it all…

Suffering, pain, disappointment, and all…

I wish… I wish I could, I wish I would…

But I care, too much, too little, sometimes I don’t even know what I am feeling.

Everything gets so confusing, all I know is that I can end it all…

Turning a blind eye, can do miracles…

Simply feigning ignorance, staying out of it all, it’s a blessing not a curse. Knowing that all those voices are dying in a void, because there’s no one there to give a helping hand… Echoing the same thing over and over again to no avail…

Pointless, wonderful and pointless.

No one really cares, because this way everyone has a purpose, everyone gets to have their lie.

If you take it all away… What’s there left for them to do? Put some actual effort into what they… Think? Do? Say?

This way they can drag us down with them, can’t they? Cruel, fowl beats… No cure for you… I’m taking you to hell with me, if I have to have no place or purpose give in this world, thou shalt not live in it either.

Letting yourself rot in a hole, due to your pride… Keeping suffering alive, because you can’t fathom reality… They, they are the real monsters when they stand in front of greatness.

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A Night's Tale

Some nights are just for dreaming, others are for being awake.

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One night long ago I asked myself "So I am here, where to next?". I just stood there and dreamed as the cold of the weather embraced me, but the warmth of my dream made me feel everything, but the icy weather. As the music goes on with my thoughts and the mind starts elaborating scenarios of "what if I" have the courage to run away and change everything, what if I never have made that mistake. The only question I have in mind is "why?". The truth maybe is ,this isn't the time and maybe I'm not ready, so even the fact that I have a romantic view or a great moral, maybe I'm just kidding myself.

There is a moment when I'm blocked in my own mind, without solutions or questions. Staying quite awake on my bed, I try to put myself to sleep, dream of a better place, trying to get back on my own feet, refilling myself with another hope or dream, looking for places to go, where to be, with whom to be, after I wake up to start a new day as a stranger in a strange world.

I lost night after night, searching for answers in every day choices, I always found out that being the trapped man in the woods is hard, where there is no escape. Just glimpses of light, showing through the leafs. So I start running up, down, left and right and finding out that I'm in the same place, but somehow  getting out, doesn't mean nothing. Because there is still a problem, this is the same forest with different trees. No way out, but to cut down the trees and start planting my own, with patience and time they will grow and give me a shelter, they will not start falling in order to damage you, but always there protect me. I think I see now, there is escaping from the forest, from the darkness I wondered in, as I start believing again looking at the sky as it it lightens up a path to a new home. 

But cutting the forest down, was also a mistake for there's no more oxygen and every day becomes harder and harder to breathe. Because there's no more shelter, no more wind, no way to find a way through the place I want to raise and change. So I barely move, barely spake, trying to preserve the air I've got left. Watching from the highest place on this hill for someone to help me breathe new life into what's dear to me. And so with my last breath and one small tear I died in a peaceful place torn by mistakes and the power of a stubborn man. 

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Attropolis Nulla


Part I - Macedonian Wars.

The beginning of the Roman empire, a legend in the making, thus this story begins with the Macedonian wars, the first push towards the East of Europe and its growth into a real empire. The Macedonian wars spanned from 230 BCE to 146 BCE. These wars ensured the domination of the Roman Empire over Ancient Greece, with the destruction of Corinth in 146 BCE.

Part II - The Rise of Augustus

Born on the 23rd of September 63 BCE, to much luck and wealth, as his great-uncle was the Julius Caesar. His father governor over Macedonia, his mother niece to the Julius Caesar himself. His father remembered for his victory over some rebellious slaves, had died when Augustus was just four years old, so he was taken in by his grandmother, Julia, Caesar’s sister. His mother had married the governor of Syria, Phillippus a self-proclaimed descendant of Alexander the great. At the age of twelve he was elected in the College of Pontiffs, a year later he was in charge of the Greek games in honor of Julius Caesar. After which he wanted to join the Caesar in Africa and Hispania, but his mother protested and then he fell ill and was unable to travel. A few years later he was undergoing military training when his great-uncle was assassinated. From there his rise to power was inevitable, as he was a formidable young man with a lot of potential. After years of political intrigue and the wars against Pompeius and Anthony and Cleopatra and their demise, he had finally gotten to the place he thought he was rightful for. The place his great-uncle stood, keeping this facade of a republic alive, before he himself was crowned Caesar. With this Augustus also completely took over Greece with the battle of Actium in 31 BCE.

Part III - Greece under Rome

Under the rule of the Roman empire and its Caesar Augustus, Greece was at peace and flourishing. Which is where we are starting the story for Attropolis. Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.


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Bad Fiction Ep. 5 & 6 [Bonus Content]

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Bad Fiction Ep. 5

“It’s been five years, two week and one day. This was the first time it snowed more than one night. I woke up to this beautiful sight of you and the snow covered houses and roads. I missed this.” I said, sipping my hot coffee.

“It must feel nice.” She replied.

“Yeah, I haven’t had this feeling since I killed Santa.” I say with a new found love for Christmas.

“I’m glad you can enjoy this time of the year again.” She said in a very relieved tone.

“Took me some time, glad I back.” I turn, looking at her… She was wearing a hoodie, holding her coffee mug, smiling.

“You know, since you’re back…” She said with a suggestive smile on her face.

“What? No…” I said in disbelief.

She took a step back and pouted, I didn’t know this would have such an effect on her.

“Come on, don’t be like this.” I said.

“Then satisfy me.” She said with a stern look on her face.

I was in shock, I didn’t know what to say.

“Please…” She begged.

I was frustrated, but determined to do it. I wanted this Christmas to be special. Something really special.

“Fine, let’s do this.” I said this knowing that the world would be turned upside-down.

She started smiling again, she started jumping on the bed, rushing towards the closet to get her clothes.

“I’ll be ready in five minutes, puddin’.” She said.

“Puddin’…” I say snickering. Why was she calling me that? I never knew why. And especially after all this time. Maybe it was just nostalgia. But I felt like I could laugh again. Really laugh. Let’s see if that’s what I need.

“I. Am. Ready!” She said way too enthusiastically. 

I was way too concentrated to noticed her outfit at first, or to listen to whatever she was saying. Suddenly my hearing comes back and I hear her…

“Come on, Puddin’. Why so serious? Can’t you smile for me?”

“Ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahaha. Merry Christmas, dear.” I say.

“That’s better. Now let’s go kill the new Santa, that’s my gift to you.” She says smiling from ear to ear. But I was afraid. I haven’t done this in quite a while…

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Bad Fiction Episode 6

Lawrence-Sama enters the room. Bruce is shook, trembling with fear at the size of his Sama’s Hatsune Miku.

Lawrence-sama: Bow to me.

Bruce-kun: Yes, master.

Lawrence-sama: Why isn’t my seat warm? You know how my Hatsune likes the sit!

Bruce-kun: Y-yes, I’m sorry. So, sorry.

As he takes his rightful place as the Captain of the SSFH, Lawrence-sama angered by the fact that Adamu and Jamesu weren’t at their posts, he uses instant transmission. Only two find the two of the cucking each other.

Lawrence-sama: What the fuck are you guys doing? We have to go to Animetion-5-Sektor. Why are you cucks cucking right now?

Adam: I’m so sorry, it’s just been so long.

James: You never give us any free time, we had to do something.

Lawrence-sama: Not in here, not right now. We’re on a very important mission right now!!! The fate of the Teeth of the Rooster are at fucking risk, you cucks.

All were very upset about this situation, not just due to the blue balls the three were having, but also because of the already huge amounts of the word “cuck” in this Bad Fiction Episode. As they went towards the command deck, Elyse suddenly emerged from the room… Angry… Hissing, as her blue skin was falling off, she went on a rampage. Kicking a box for thirty minutes, until a gentleman named Ben the Son came and calmed her down, by petting her head. We learned that she was mourning the death of Fart of the Hands, one of her best friends. He had died in a tragic accident whist giving her an abortion. Anyway, back on the command deck, Lawrence-sama finally calmed down too, as they set sail towards the Animetion-5-Sektor. Where Lawrence-sama was promised to marry a princess. Suddenly an SOS signal came through. It was the SS-Bungalow, Captain /\ had brought too much rhye and corn on board, with oates overflowing.

Lawrence-sama: What the fuck /\?! Didn’t I tell you not to do this anymore? This is what? The third time? God fucking damn it! I’m supposed to pick out my fucking waifu, not help you.

Bones: Ha! You mean like I picked your mom up?

Lawrence-sama: God damn it, Bones! Not now.

After five years in space, eating oats, rhye and corn, the SSFH was finally back on road. Shitting bricks, with no one able to cuck, fuck, suck or cum anything but fiber. Yet the one thing that they all noticed, it was that they got ripped, not jacked, but ripped.

They finally jumped to Animetion-5-Sektor, Lawrence’s Hatsune Miku was growing. They finally got there, it was everything he imagined. The physics, the shapes, the bounciness, the ratios, it was heaven. They finally landed the damn ship, after a few hours of roaming around looking at everything. As they landed a voice is heard: “You’re not the real one. I am.” In shock Lawrence-Sama looks around to find the source of the voice… It was a laptop.

Laptop IG: I am the original, I am the real one.

Lawrence-sama: No, no you are not! How dare you? I am!!! I am the quintessential gamer!!! You were no one!

Laptop IG: Join me, brothers, sister! You know I would never treat you like shitbags, like he does! You know where the glory days were! You know who’s the real one! The authentic one! The only one!

The two entered a starring contest… It was intense, the most intense competition of strength, wit and power.

The rest of the crew left… As the two have died of low blood sugar and running out of power consequentially.

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I Killed Santa

It is said that curiosity killed the cat… Well, I killed Santa with my curiosity.

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I was 5 or 6 years old, a very curious child like all children, always questioning things and the reality of them. I caught on the way the world works very fast, so you could imagine that in my wonder and awe I knew something was wrong for a fat guy to go all around the world to give children presents. And for some reason my younger brother followed me, in this childhood destroying path, well of course he had little to no idea what I was searching for.

But often I consider myself a bit of an asshole for doing this, purposely trying to screw up or find unhappiness in my life. By doing all sorts of odd stuff, like just annoying people with seemingly stupid questions, but when you stay and think about them, you have no real answer to them. Or I do anything else but what people advise me to. But the second part it's mainly due to the fact that I disagree with their point that was made or arguments that were brought for that supposed action. Which makes people mad, but if people bring me great arguments, then I am willing to participate as long as it is in my, let's call it, code.

So yeah, eventually I started at 5 years old searching for hidden presents, of course, my parents hid them very well, so after I checked everything, I gave up that Christmas. A year later with the help of my brother we found "Santa" and at least for me that's when I killed him, for my brother, well maybe a year later. So basically my Christmas was from then on: "Here you go, merry Christmas." Even though they thought that I didn't know about "Santa". I just killed the biggest joy of the Christmas as a child, besides getting paid for singing like a little horrible shit, caroling and having money for sweets. I had ruined presents and the only time I felt appreciated and some happiness when it came to family.

Curiosity can help you grow up, but in my case it just killed Santa and the magical part of Christmas.

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New Short Story Series Announcement: Attropolis


History, our way to reminisce about the way we were, to be fascinated by our own past actions and keep stories that might have been lost to time. They say that those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Just look at the resurgence of Nazis, a perfect example of just that. Then again, there are people that still know the history and the only thing they can do is observe. It seems to me that either way we’re doomed. Yet the late great Stephen Hawking has said that you shouldn’t look to history to learn anything, because history is the history of fools. And if I may add, greed, misjudgement and misplaced anger and frustration. Which applies to today as well. This series looks at a period in time of extraordinary potential and that we still know little about. Following some interesting couple of characters and their day to day life in two of the biggest civilizations of the ancient world, that had an impact on our understanding of history and the world we live in today, Ancient Rome and the Early Roman Empire and Ancient Greece under the rule of the Roman Empire. A story that has never been told until today, after the revelations of the author of this series regarding the time period. The main protagonists of this story are Juliusegos and Hippos, two rambunctious boys, one from Rome and one from a small city in ancient Greece. Attropolis will be the story that brings their legends to light and their life back into glory, as these two have been lost to time and their tragedy lost to too much sorrow. In an attempt to learn about the traditional Roman and Greek family, culture, education and lifestyle, something that hasn’t been attempted before, at least not to this level. Attropolis will span over 52 weekly chapters over the whole of 2019. This coming of age story promises you war, precises and graphic details of a vivid past world that has come and gone, leaving an impressive mark on human history. Not just that, but love stories, hard hitting commentary on society, historical facts and past beliefs that will draw you into this ancient world. With all that said, I do welcome you to Attropolis, a one of a kind story, starting with a prelude next week. And the official start in January 5th.

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Bad Fiction Ep. 3 & 4 [Bonus Content]

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Bad Fiction Episode 3

It was a Tuesday afternoon. The clouds were gathering a few miles away from our town. The sun was approaching its target, as the sky grew red, purple and orange. That was the faithful moment the two met. It was after hours, somewhere after the building they were working in. As their eyes met, their feet started getting in sync. They were walking at the same pace, it was something wonderful. Like finding your one true love in a split second. The tension between them was electric, the sparks were flying. The danger signs were showing all around them. You couldn’t even approach them. Because if you did, you’d get electrocuted. It was something magical, something everyone dreams of. A fairy tale in real life. Time flew by, as each step drew them closer to each other. Nothing stopped them from getting on each other right there and then. In the middle of the street. No one stopping them, because they knew… They knew that what they had could never be matched. They knew that people would stand in awe at their chemistry, something as amazing as this would never show its head ever again. So, as the sun set, as the first stars glew on the sky. As the universe seemed to have aligned just for them, the got even closer. At this point the people around them were in mortal danger. Their sparks were flying left and right, he was biting his lips. She was biting her other lips, people were getting hot and bothered just by being in their vicinity. She loved him, like a love song, baby. Because he was a dangerous kind of guy, a special kind of guy. With he was a spinner boy, he was telling her to fidget his spinner, kind of boy. She touched him, he started moaning. People were looking, but they didn’t care. He was touching her legs, she was trembling. The earth was shaking, he was like a superstar. She was his muse. After five minutes of foreplay, she started screaming, he kept moaning. The moon was bright and full in the sky, everyone admired them. But after another five minutes she grew tired of his moaning and bitching about everything. Because he kept saying he wanted to crack open a cold one with the bois and she wanted to see him do nose dives on the pavement. He couldn’t leave since she got that milkshake that caught him in the first place. Nothing really made any sense for him anymore, as he felt like a Pokemon in a PokeBall, caught by that bastard Giovanni, just because he could do nose dives and be a Licktung. And it was all so obvious, because he was a boy, and she was a girl. And they super liked each other on Tinder, even though they both were fifteen. Such a romance wasn’t even heard of since Romeo and Juliet, such a thing of beauty no one wrote since Shakespeare. And I am that guy to write this. Obviously the story ends with the two lovers breaking up after a week of relationship and they both gave up on women and men, respectively. As she became a feminist and he became a woman. #woke #TheEnd

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Bad Fiction Episode 4 - A Star Wars Episode

“It has been years.” said Luke.

He looked up, as to signal that the end has begun already.

“I need a teacher.” said Rey.

“I can’t teach you.” said Luke. “It’s time for the Jedi to end.”

The air got heavier, a darkness was spreading around us.

“It is time…” said a familiar voice.

“It isn’t!” Luke screamed. 

Rey stood there in shock. The cave shook with Luke’s voice.

Scared, Rey asked “What just happened?”

“It’s nothing.” Luke responded.

“Skywalker, now is your turn.” said Kenobi.

“No, it’s not. This can’t happen again.” replied Luke flustered.

“Hmm… Must you do. Duty have you.” said Yoda.

“Like you did?” Luke screamed again.

In shock Rey stands in a corner, afraid to reach to him. Yet she gets some courage to ask Luke: “Who are you talking to?”

“Kenobi and Yoda.” disgruntled he replied. “They are force ghosts now.” e continued.

‘I see.” said Rey with a concerned look on her face.

“For you to bring this to an end, you have to do this.” said Kenobi annoyed by Luke’s attitude.

“You must repent for your mistakes, I know how hard this can be. I am your father.”

“I know, stop saying that.” replied Luke that was about to exploded into pieces. “Why are you guys here?” he continued.

As this continued, Rey went to the Falcon. As he entered the ship, Chewy was looking at her with hope in his eyes. As she shook her head to signal a no, she went to the comms to talk to Leia.

“Rey?” Leia asked.

“Yes, it’s me. I found him.” Rey responded.


“I’m sorry… He isn’t himself.”

In disbelief Leia asked: “What do you mean? What’s wrong?”

“Well… He has dementia. He started talking to dead people. Right now he is in an argument with some Yenobi and Koda.”

Chewy growled.

“Oh… Well, we’re going to have to do this on our own.” said General Leia.

And that’s why Luke was the last Jedi. The End.

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A ghost

I'm a dependent ghost...

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I always thought that I'm some more, something that the world doesn't understand or comprehend. I've always stood and watched, life, people, nature, take its course and watch them flout away on a river that never moves, you could call it the longest river in existence. I've seen so much tragedy, so much pain, and yet still want to believe in what's right in this world. Still want to change the wrongs of people, even though no one listens to me. It's hopeless, but that's me a hopeless romantic, I'm stupid for believing or even trying. I want to give the world a hand of hope, an alternative to everything that is wrong and yet I can't even bring myself to stand up straight in the morning and change the way I live. I want so much more from the world to be and to reach it's true potential and thinking that I might get a response from a few, to wake up a feeling in them, or a thought. What am I thinking? Why am I doing this? When even I can't really feel anything anymore, or change or do anything anymore. I'm nothing left but a empty shell, a ghost that wonders this world hopelessly depending on the idea of something more than what it is today. I depend on the idea of love, improvement, criticism.

The truth is, I might be less than everyone I have ever looked down on. I'm not smarter than everyone I have ever met. I can't be, because I can't do anything other than depend on ideas without the courage of deciding what's right or wrong. And someone like me can't see what's right or wrong anymore, doesn't see it, because I once had a reason, so I'm lying to myself saying that it still exists, even though it's long gone. I've been on this self-destructive path so long, that I became a ghost and everyone around me is now just a memory. It's hard for someone stupid like me, I only understood now after years of self-torture. Now when I have no more reason to really live. I'm looked at something that it's pitiful, that had potential and remain something no one will ever look at again. I'm sad, I'm hurt, I'm all alone now. There are voices of the past, I want to fix them and make them go away.

I want to escape and start a new, but I'm dependent, I'm stupid and I don't understand. I buried my head in music for a long time, expressing feelings that I had. Then it was learning, drinking, smoking, even working. Recently I buried myself writing lyrics, poetry, stories and reading, lots of reading and time spent on the internet. I can't sleep anymore, every night I'm awake, and even when I want to sleep all I do is look at the ceiling and I'm chocked up with tears. I have no idea what I'm doing right now. Everything is dark, people are so confusing, nothing works for me anymore. I'm sad, but it feels good to feel sad, because it's the only thing I can be honest right now. That and the fact that I became a ghost.

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New Book Announcement


I think, at some point we all asked ourselves: “What if?” Just that, just those two small tiny words. Which were the inspiration for this third chapter too… A classic question everyone had to think about at some point, just like we all wished we had started working on something earlier, or if we’d been more driven to succeed at a younger age. Or simply dealing with the anxiousness that is life. That is the base level of the story of Trapped: Winter, the third chapter of the Trapped: Seasons series, complete with a new setting, created by your mind. New characters in a new world that feels old. Because what is dead may never bleed, what is dead may never bleed, what is dead may never bleed.

Trapped: Winter is the something else of my works. With each chapter written in this series, the more I got to discover myself and create something rather unique. The story of an old man, Richard, running away from something strange, something dangerous which he can’t control. And Mark, this adult chasing something, anything for the sake of it. We have here an interesting parallel between someone that is being chased and someone that is chasing. The apparent disconnection between the two situations makes us draw lines, just so we can compare them to one another. But still, to any story I write there’s something more, due to the need to try and portray a better, more concise look, having a batter grasp on the story, the characters. We also have the weird, the mysterious, the out of place yet it makes sense. After writing this series for two years, with the progression of time, it changed. And this can be seen through the characters and their dialogue. As with the previous two Trapped: Seasons books, this one has a similar style. A Shakespearean style play, put as a novel and filtered through today’s eye in order to try and create something more. Keep an eye on the blog for more news, cover reveal, a full synopsis and more details about the book launch.

The book Trapped: Winter will have its launch on Saturday January the 12th and will be available for pre-order as an ebook soon.

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