
New Book Announcement

Summer, what a beauty of a season. Short warm nights, with lovely winds that feel like an embrace. Light that feels you with joy and heat that smothers you with its hotness. And this is the last of them, the last season in the Trapped: Seasons saga. The forth book in three years, another one, but this is bigger, and just so much more. You have no idea how much joy is in my heart announcing this book and finally putting it out there in the world for everyone. This series has been a certain something to me. While these are my first steps into literature, they’re also something very special, something very traumatic. And I think that’s why there’s a certain happiness with the release of Trapped: Summer, honestly.

Trapped: Summer picks up not much later after Trapped: Winter ends, with Richard and Al still loitering around, chasing a mad dream of revenge whilst running away from something. And somewhere else, Vile, a 29 year old man, struggling with his current relationship and career, finds himself walking 11 years into his own past. That’s the synopsis in a few sentences. This last chapter too, is autobiographical fiction, being based on some of what I remember to be the most crucial parts in my past relationships. Or perhaps the most traumatic ones, what stuck with me through the years.

Trapped: Summer is the longest book and project I have ever worked on. Through a grueling process that took over a year, it is definitely the biggest of all four books. The sheer immense amount of work that went into this, from re-writings to restructuring and reworking the book in such a way that it brings an epic finale to this wonderful series, it’s all been absolutely a terrifying work. But I am proud to present to you Trapped: Summer, the end of an epic four years of learning, and hard work.

You can pre-order the book here:

Thank you and see you soon.


Attropolis XIV


Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

Olanus had ordered his soldiers to gather the neighbors, trying to find out if they saw something, if they knew something or if they did something. All while the soldiers that were supposed to patrol the streets finally reached the rape and murder scene. In a rage he went towards them, they were visibly nervous and distracted. With one swing of his hand, he floored the four to the ground, his voice like a thunder, shaking the street. His voice hurried the neighbors to gather around, all of them knew what happened, since a carriage wouldn’t spend so much time in front of that house, it usually just dropped her off. Each of them had theories, before the soldiers had even reached them. The four soldiers picked themselves up and started throwing blame from one to the other to the next to the last one and then again from the beginning mixing their orders. That was until the second one blamed the fourth one for the fact that he brought with him a flask with Dacian wine for everyone, since he had a cousin that had some ties there and got some really good Merlot. To which the fourth soldier replied by screaming that he wasn’t supposed to tell him. In turn the second one pulled his sword and gutted the fourth soldier. But due to such an aggressive behavior Olanus entwined the second soldier’s head. The old folk suddenly felt revitalized, the young terrified, their parents not bored anymore. Alicaria was still crying, she had gotten up on her feet… The child that once was smiling and being a rambunctious sweetheart, suddenly gone. She barely walked towards towards his cold corpse, wobbling from the pain she had in her legs, as her flower was still dripping, a thin crust of blood was forming around her wound. Trembling she reached out with her bloody hand, as she touched his skin and felt the cold coming from her body, she went into a frenzy, screaming her pain out, not that it helped. Screaming, with tears rolling down her face, she kept trying to clean the dry foam from his mouth, after which she took his corpse in her arms… Whispering something. The neighbors outside, were trying to look inside, so they could get a better look and understanding of what was happening. Olanus, being the big figure he was, blocked the entrance and started interrogating them… The first question was if they knew what has happened, to which all responded that they had a general idea of what, but didn’t know exactly what. One of them speculated that she was punished for bewitching the emperor’s court, another was saying that she was being raped and humiliated, which is why they were summoned there. Only a few understood what was happening. After a few minutes of absolute nonsense, Olanus told the plebeians that there was a robbery and that one of the two thieves killed the other. So, he started asking to see if someone had approached the house, if it was any of them or if any of them saw someone. One old woman told him that she saw someone in black clerical clothing enter the house. This only started a ruckus between the neighbors, as they started accusing her of being a witch and a wench too. Another woman accused her of holding a grudge against the church since they had condemned his son. This was just a first step into a bigger, more complicated case.

And then….

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New Book Announcement


I think, at some point we all asked ourselves: “What if?” Just that, just those two small tiny words. Which were the inspiration for this third chapter too… A classic question everyone had to think about at some point, just like we all wished we had started working on something earlier, or if we’d been more driven to succeed at a younger age. Or simply dealing with the anxiousness that is life. That is the base level of the story of Trapped: Winter, the third chapter of the Trapped: Seasons series, complete with a new setting, created by your mind. New characters in a new world that feels old. Because what is dead may never bleed, what is dead may never bleed, what is dead may never bleed.

Trapped: Winter is the something else of my works. With each chapter written in this series, the more I got to discover myself and create something rather unique. The story of an old man, Richard, running away from something strange, something dangerous which he can’t control. And Mark, this adult chasing something, anything for the sake of it. We have here an interesting parallel between someone that is being chased and someone that is chasing. The apparent disconnection between the two situations makes us draw lines, just so we can compare them to one another. But still, to any story I write there’s something more, due to the need to try and portray a better, more concise look, having a batter grasp on the story, the characters. We also have the weird, the mysterious, the out of place yet it makes sense. After writing this series for two years, with the progression of time, it changed. And this can be seen through the characters and their dialogue. As with the previous two Trapped: Seasons books, this one has a similar style. A Shakespearean style play, put as a novel and filtered through today’s eye in order to try and create something more. Keep an eye on the blog for more news, cover reveal, a full synopsis and more details about the book launch.

The book Trapped: Winter will have its launch on Saturday January the 12th and will be available for pre-order as an ebook soon.

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