To understand all of violence, you need to understand that this world, us people, were always violent, first and foremost. Then we need to understand that violence is not all physical. I do understand that when someone says violence, they imagine someone hitting someone, worst case scenario. Best case scenario, they also include someone screaming at someone, thus verbal violence. The utmost best case scenario is that they include hate speech and race based violence in this. Which is not wrong, but that is not all violence. And in this two parter we will dissect the idea of violence. But, as mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, we need to understand that our history is one of violence. We will focus on this now, and we will discuss the forms of violence in the second part.
A. You, yourself and then I.
The history of the world is violent. You were born into it, as the world is violent. If the world, wouldn’t be violent, everyone would have access to everything they needed and there would be no war. But that is not the case. You were born in a world of violence. Diminishing violence, but still violence. You exist in the context of history. What is happening in this world at any given moment, is history. Whether it is notable or not, it is history nonetheless. And if we understand that the history of humanity is one of violence, which makes the world we live in also one of violence, this means we’re victims of violence. I already talked about that before here, so I won’t go into details anymore. You can access the post by click this sentence.
So, what you have a choice being born in a world of violence. Try to change it or work within it, thus becoming another violent cog in the machine. Yes, you were not born in the Jim Crow era, nor have you passed that law, and all you want is to live your life. But, you are not doing much to stand in the way of the oppressor or the violence, thus you are a cog in the violent machine. Yes, you did not actively participate in the violence, but by feeding into it without pushing for any change, or without calls to cull the violence, you are a part of it. The easiest example would be to think of yourself as part of Nazi Germany. What do you think you would have done, if you knew and saw what was happening? Do you think that the world would have seen you as a moral decent person, knowing that everywhere in Germany people would get killed for simply being different and you chose to do nothing? Of course, if you are a decent person, this question would make you feel uncomfortable. But the answer would be quite clear. If the answer is complicated, then I recommend some soul searching.
My point is that yes, this world and its history is one of violence, you being born into it, so no choice of yours. But, what you do within it, is… And no matter what came before you, while you are born, once you have grown to use your own two eyes and discern what is good or bad, there is a responsibility to be had. Where we stand up for what is morally right. And with the world currently with ongoing genocides, that is multiple, you should see how important this is.
B. History is always in context.
Now, that we understand that you are in context, and the context is violence, we need to understand the following important thing. HISTORY IS ALWAYS IN CONTEXT. There is NOTHING in this world that it is in its own vacuum. A conflict that starts tomorrow can have its roots 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 100 years ago, 200 years ago, even 2000 years ago, it still matters when it started, how it went along and how those events then defined how things are now. You can NOT look at African countries, Muslim countries, Central and South American countries and say “They failed their people”. They did not have a choice in the matter. They haven’t been able to run their own countries on their own for hundreds of years. And then you can say, “But Nobody, look at Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other rich countries.” Yes, what’s the difference between those rich countries and those poorer? The intervention of the global super powers and imperial powers. For example, Iran. Back after world war 2, Iran was a developing nation, that was quite progressive. But in the 60s, due to them refusing to let the UK bleed them dry of their natural gasses and oils, the UK funded a fundamentalist violent man and did a coup d’état. Once installed in power, that fundamentalist gave UK what they wanted and turned the country into what we know today. This happened over 50 years ago, this has consequences today, still. You can NOT look at Iran today and say that it’s because what they decided 10 years ago. This has been a direct consequence of an imperial power. Link to the coup in Iran click this sentence.
The same can be applied to all the regions I mentioned where a global super power or more intervened. You look at all the conflicts and there is a good reason for it. Whether it’s the batshit crazy borders that were drawn after the first world war by literally TWO countries. (Link to consequences) Whether it’s the direct or indirect intervention of powers after World War 2, during the Cold War. Everything that is happening today is a direct consequence of what happened a long time ago. Whatever it is, you can look at history, and neatly point it out from a to z for every single conflict there is right now, to those imperialistic super powers did in the past over 100 years. I could go on and on and on and on, about these countries that were ravaged by imperialism, sucked dry by capitalism, corrupted by money, couped into oblivion every single time they did something a certain imperialist power did not want. And then they wonder why they can’t do much? Why are they so poor? Why are they violent? Why are they corrupt? Why don’t they just fix their own countries? Never to look at the consequence of their own actions. Or look at their ongoing actions. How are Venezuelans supposed to fix anything? They are under an embargo. Well, why are they under an embargo? Well, same goes for Cuba. Which, incidentally in both cases, the only country that keeps voting for those embargoes and keeps vetoing lifting the embargoes is the United States of America. The United States of America also pushed the coup in Venezuela in 2002. So without trade, how are the supposed to do anything? And, if you are going to say “it’s because Maduro” or “it’s because of the cold war or socialism”, you are not right. The US does plenty of business with tyrants, dictators and kings. Just look at Saudi Arabia, who probably did 9/11. So, unless you understand that history is in context, and what is happening now is because of what happened some time ago. And that your actions, lack there of, or the actions of others are going to have long term consequences, you can not understand what is ever going to happen to you or around you. And you will ALWAYS create consent for more violence.
And now, just because we’re not constantly at war with each other, doesn’t mean that there’s no violence. It’s just that the types of violence we have are now very conniving. But we will talk about that in the second part. When part 2 is published it will be a link here to take you directly there.
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