Attropolis XV

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Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

The wailing in the house had stopped, she finally stood up on her feet, slowly, gently she got up. Wiped the tears from here face, step by step, slowly moved towards the door. On her way she grabbed a small rusty pole she had in the house by the fire place. As she reached the door, she grabbed onto Olanus’s hand, pulling him to the side, so she could step beside him. The murmur of the crowd grew thinner, between her dirty locks her voice cracked like a whip towards the crowd. And with her voice she swung to the right, to the left, the echoes were like thunder to lightning. Accusing people of envying her, of wanting to hurt her, because she turned them down, because they thought she was an abnormality, with no redeeming qualities. A monster in the disguise of a woman with charms. They were pointing at her legs, her dress, one woman even pulling her by the hair. That was the point where Olanus intervened, slapping the woman’s hand away, and shushing the crowd. He had questioned the crowd about men of faith, specifically if there are some that usually visit this part of Rome. After a few minutes he had a list of a few good men of the faith, he gave the list to his soldiers, to gather them at the court. Olanus invited her back into the carriage, the people stopped making any fuss out of fear.

Once they arrived at the court, Olanus was briefed on the fact that they could find only four out of the five men, this only enraged him, sending a few of his men out the look for him. The rest were interrogated by Olanus on his own, as she was sent to be bathed and taken care of.

MAN 1: An old scrawny man, there wasn’t one spot on his skin that wasn’t wrinkly, yet despite all that he smelled like a field of freshly grown flowers. Serene blue eyes, a gentle smile, rotten splinters where there used to be teeth.

Whilst interrogating the man, he responded nicely, with a soft voice. Listening to it, you could easily fall asleep. The clarity in his eyes, had Olanus disheartened for a moment, thinking they might have brought such a sweet old man in for such a horrible deed. Yet the man, with a look, made him understand that it was okay, he understood that he was only doing his job. When asked about the woman and the child, he simply told him that he would only leave some food outside their window, since he felt pity for the poor things. This, melted his heart, so he moved on…

MAN 2: An older man, but not as old as the first one, with a long silver beard and hair to match. He had all his white teeth, like he had never used them, his breath like that of a minty piss. Bespoke like none of them there, dust seemed to want to run away from him and dirt feared him. When Olanus interrogated him, his voice when responding was like those of muses singing. His eyes shinning like a star, no speck of vein on the whites of his eyes either. All his answers to the questions were clear as pure water, no hesitation, nor did he break eye contact with Olanus.

But then…

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Attropolis XIV


Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

Olanus had ordered his soldiers to gather the neighbors, trying to find out if they saw something, if they knew something or if they did something. All while the soldiers that were supposed to patrol the streets finally reached the rape and murder scene. In a rage he went towards them, they were visibly nervous and distracted. With one swing of his hand, he floored the four to the ground, his voice like a thunder, shaking the street. His voice hurried the neighbors to gather around, all of them knew what happened, since a carriage wouldn’t spend so much time in front of that house, it usually just dropped her off. Each of them had theories, before the soldiers had even reached them. The four soldiers picked themselves up and started throwing blame from one to the other to the next to the last one and then again from the beginning mixing their orders. That was until the second one blamed the fourth one for the fact that he brought with him a flask with Dacian wine for everyone, since he had a cousin that had some ties there and got some really good Merlot. To which the fourth soldier replied by screaming that he wasn’t supposed to tell him. In turn the second one pulled his sword and gutted the fourth soldier. But due to such an aggressive behavior Olanus entwined the second soldier’s head. The old folk suddenly felt revitalized, the young terrified, their parents not bored anymore. Alicaria was still crying, she had gotten up on her feet… The child that once was smiling and being a rambunctious sweetheart, suddenly gone. She barely walked towards towards his cold corpse, wobbling from the pain she had in her legs, as her flower was still dripping, a thin crust of blood was forming around her wound. Trembling she reached out with her bloody hand, as she touched his skin and felt the cold coming from her body, she went into a frenzy, screaming her pain out, not that it helped. Screaming, with tears rolling down her face, she kept trying to clean the dry foam from his mouth, after which she took his corpse in her arms… Whispering something. The neighbors outside, were trying to look inside, so they could get a better look and understanding of what was happening. Olanus, being the big figure he was, blocked the entrance and started interrogating them… The first question was if they knew what has happened, to which all responded that they had a general idea of what, but didn’t know exactly what. One of them speculated that she was punished for bewitching the emperor’s court, another was saying that she was being raped and humiliated, which is why they were summoned there. Only a few understood what was happening. After a few minutes of absolute nonsense, Olanus told the plebeians that there was a robbery and that one of the two thieves killed the other. So, he started asking to see if someone had approached the house, if it was any of them or if any of them saw someone. One old woman told him that she saw someone in black clerical clothing enter the house. This only started a ruckus between the neighbors, as they started accusing her of being a witch and a wench too. Another woman accused her of holding a grudge against the church since they had condemned his son. This was just a first step into a bigger, more complicated case.

And then….

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Attropolis XIII


Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

Embraced together, the two stood still in the darkness of the night as he was crying, she became his rock, the one that grounded him and drained him of pain, sorrow or irrationality. In a sense she was more powerful then he could ever be, since he couldn’t control himself, the way she could and the way she dealt with problems and tragedies. The rain had stopped and both Greek soldiers and Roman legionnaires started patrolling the streets, helping those in need and trying to find survivors in the badly afflicted places. People were crying, screaming, some trapped under rubble either partially or completely. As the soldiers were roaming the city, healthy and capable citizens banded together too in order to help those befallen to this terrible disaster. As rain water was flowing down the muddy streets of Creetus, so was the blood of those that had their bodies crushed under the heavy stones and logs of wood. A few of them heard a scream, started taking the rubble and digging down towards the scream. Boulder after boulder the scream was getting fainter and fainter, when they finally got to him, they discovered a young man not older than twenty, burn to a crisp from the waist down, legs were ash all except bone, guts somehow still inside him intact, a miracle that he had survived for as long as he did or that he didn’t get crushed by anything above his waist. The poor young man, smile when he saw his neighbors then blissfully passed away. After taking him out of the rubble and leaving him on the street, they decided to investigate the next house, where they found Hippos and her hugging, with his parents tender burnt bodies on the floor next to them. One man came in a hurry to inform the people that there was a riot inciting in the middle of the town and that they should hurry there… The children were once again left on their own. The fight in the town center started after the governor was found dead and the Roman legionnaires suspected towns people taking advantage of the mess and had him assassinated. Yet there was no proof for any of that, so now the tensions were rising, blood was pumping, everyone was on edge. Suddenly a tall figure rose from the crowd, his presence had silenced everyone, the crowd fell to a hush, before they started killing each other like mad men for no reason. It didn’t take much for the Roman legionnaires to dampen the killing mood of the people of Creetus. Yet the Greek soldiers weren’t pleased with that, so they slaughtered the legionnaires and got independence back for Creetus, even if they had to pretend that their soldiers are part of the Roman Empire and had a governor. They were at least lead by one of their own. A man with a scar across his face that looked like a slingshot, tall like a mountain, blue eyes like they were frozen ice glistening. The towns people gathered all the afflicted children and he went to tend to them, suddenly he stops in his tracks as he sees one child that is familiar to him, slowly goes closer and closer to him and then picks up Hippos…

And then in Rome…

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Attropolis XII


Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

Shocked, distressed and embarrassed, they both were as he entered the chambers with the terrible news of her son dying. In the heat of the moment he pulled away and tore his throbbing cock out of her. She screamed as his dick simply tore out of her withering flower, blood started dripping down to her shit hole, she barely stood up, as it still hurt, and blood was now dripping onto the floor and down her legs. She started crying both from the pain of having a cock pulled out like spear from a fresh wound and the loss of her only son. Olanus tells the soldier to get a carriage as fast as possible whilst wiping the blood off the propagator’s tip. He was fuming with fury in his eyes. Alicaria on the ground crying in a puddle of blood, slowly and gently he picked her up in his arms, carrying her down the stairs. People were looking, murmuring and already starting rumors about what had happened in those chambers. Some saying that she had a miscarriage, knowing full well that Olanus as big as he was, would never harm a woman. Yet they were looking at her like she was a witch that had charmed him and now was just pretending for his pity. As they got to the carriage, he placed her down gently, and sat next to her. She couldn’t stop crying, with a soft voice he told the chauffeur her address and to hurry. He instantly whipped the horses and they started galloping through the streets of Rome. The barely paved streets even in Rome were horrible, as the horses were galloping, the carriage was bumping and jumping from hole to hole, shaking up and down, side to side. Olanus did try to keep Alicaria as safe as possible and to hold her so she wouldn’t suffer more than she was already suffering. Yet it was all too little too late. With every hole and bumps she would jump and come down with a force that would slam her vagina to the seat of the carriage. Every time that would happen she would let out a scream, and blood gushed out of her, making her sore, but this time not in a pleasant way. It wasn’t a pleasant ride for him either, as he would hit is head on the top of the carriage and would usually either crack the skin on his head or break the roof. It took them twenty minutes to get to her home, she could barely walk right now and he was dizzy from all the head banging from the ride. They took a few minutes to recover, then he got out of the carriage and smacked the chauffeur over the head a few times for being careless and as retribution for his head injuries. He helped her down, took her in his arms, and they both slowly entered the house. It was a putrid smell, there was already a darkness in and around the house. They both slowly took some steps towards the bed, where they finally saw his body. The foam from his mouth had already dried up, so was the blood and cum. Enraged he told the chauffeur to go fetch the soldier that had found the child in this poor state, and get him the few men that were supposed to patrol this region. Alicaria, was on her knees, sobbing, screaming that this fate should have been hers, not her child’s. The pain only grew in both of them, so was the sorrow and frustration to the fact that there’s nothing much to do right now, but mourn his death and avenge him.

And in Greece…

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Pilot Program - Wish a Wish

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My name is Amelia. And I… I’ve been cursed…

Hear me out, don’t just leave… She pulls you back to sit down.

Jeez, tough crowd. She scoffs.

This world doesn’t function the way yours does, this isn’t normal. Here wishes can become a reality, a world where if you really really wish for it, the universe will align to make it a reality. Want a car? Boom!! You have your car. Want wealth? You got it, buddy. Whatever you wish, you can have it. Want to become the best at your job? Want to become a god with unlimited powers? Want to be the one? You got all that and more. Ending her grand introductory speech with a grin on her face.

You know when your parents were telling you that you could become anything? Yeah? This is the world where you literally can. Because, all you have to do… Is… Wish it and… Poof… You got it. Your wish is now reality. Sounds nice, right? Well… Here’s the twist… I know, right? There’s a twist, there’s always a twist to these things, isn’t there? Want to know the twist? The twists of all twists? You have to make people believe in your wish too. Good luck with that. Angrily she takes a shot of hard liquor and looks into your eyes.

Maybe now you understand why I said that I’ve been cursed. These stupid dense holy shit people are impossible to deal with and I can’t stand them one bit. Do you know how it feels to work in a world where all your wishes can become true? And these idiots just stand there and tell you that “If you smiled more and you’d be a more cheerful person, they’d help you with your wishes.” AAAH!!! They’re such hypocrites, it pisses me off. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face? Stop it, stop staring. Don’t pity me… What? I’ve tried wishing, I really did. And I believed in it, I believed in them… I believed in people and even the power of making anything come true. But somehow for me… It never worked. I don’t know why. She sighed.

Somehow I just seem to disappoint everyone, even myself. How? Who knows… But I really wish I knew how to make any of this work… I wish a wish…

This is part of the Pilot Program, where you decide which is going to be the next 52 chapter story for 2020. How will you do that? By reading it, re-reading it, sharing it, liking it and getting it in front of a lot of people. This is the third of the Pilot Program short stories, the first one being 20 Questions, the second one being Literal Generic.

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Attropolis XI (Reader beware 18+ Sexual content)


Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

That day at the court after the meeting with the Generals, Augustus returned to his chambers, leaving the generals and their men to take care of their daily duties until they had to report in the afternoon. But before they got to exit the palace, a voluptuous woman entered, they all knew that white stained cloth held only by a tiny belt. Those gorgeous breasts, the protruding brown nipples through the fabric, those skinny legs and dirty stinking feet. They all stopped to admire her, though they all knew her very well in all the right places. Stoic, Olanus stood tallest of all the generals, and she, well, she was in the mood for something big today. Something that made her feel so small, yet like her insides were tearing in a good way. Slowly she started walking towards him, eyeing him up and down. As stoic as he was, as visibly aroused he was by her looks, not hesitating he told the rest of them to bugger off and do their jobs. Groaning and moaning the generals left, yet not before they had made some obscene gestures behind her back, like they were stroking their penises, fingering her and ejaculating on her face. Olanus looked down on Alicaria, stroked her hair just as she grouped his butt cheeks, and they slowly made their way towards his chamber. She had a devilish smirk on her smile and a giddy laugh like that one of a child on Saturnalia. “How is your child?” asked Olanus in a gravely voice. “He is doing fine, at school, all thanks to you and your friends” she responded. They entered the chambers, without hesitation she grabbed his massive propagator, pulling down on it to reveal its shaved head in a thick luscious forest. He in response grabbed her by the neck, lifted her up in the air, whilst she was still holding onto his spear. Walked towards the bed, with her in one hand, put her gently down. She let go, opened her mouth and took his whole glory deep, past her tonsils, the gurgling sound was only arousing him more and more. Thrusting in and out of her salivating mouth, her face wet, his penis fully erect, she could barely hold to the bed considering his force. After a few minutes he pulled out of her mouth, and Alicaria just fell on the bed. Legs spread apart, her vagina was so wet, it had drenched the cloth as it simply took her shape, it became translucent. Olanus didn’t know what to do, the mixed feelings he had between losing it all and giving in or being gentle and caring for her like a phoenix feather. Yet his thirst, his thirst was unrelenting, and he had a wishing well in front of his face, how could he contain himself from the fruitiest of fruits he had in front of him. He delve his propagator deep into her, as she lets out a moan that rocks the room. Juices gush out of her, wetting the bedding, as he humps and humps, she scratches his back with her long nails. She tried to wrap her legs around him, but couldn’t properly envelop him. Tears of pleasure down her face, she let out a smile, having a few rotten teeth, and a few more missing, he tilted forwards to kiss her, their lips met, his tongue pulled her tongue into his mouth, exchanging saliva, she puts her right hand on the back of his head, pulling his hair. He pulls away, lifts her up in his arms, puts her on a table and keeps pounding her without stopping. A centurion bursts through the door, gasping… The two interlock and remain like that since she got scared by the centurion. He shocked, looks at Alicaria and… “Alicaria, I was at your place, and… Juliusegos is dead, he was raped.”

And then…

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Attropolis X


Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

Creetus was devastated, a fifth of the city was in flames. Hippos was standing watching over the crisp bodies of his parents. Unable to move, yet his mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do next. This was his only remaining family, as his relatives had died in the wars against the Roman empire. His body was trembling, tears rolling down his face, anger, confusion, frustration, fists clutched, a scream that was heard through the storm. Through the window red, orange and blue were coloring his house. The flames of the city were reflecting on the orphan, his body shaking, yet his feet unable to move, his eyes trapped on the bodies. What can a lonely boy do in this crazy world? What was his destiny? Why were the gods punishing him? He had done nothing wrong. Nothing. NOTHING! Oh, what a cruel world! Oh, what a tragic fate! Oh, what a tragic life upon him. His innocence vanished, like that, in a split second. All his happiness taken away from him. The storm was dying down, pitch black darkness engulfed him and his house. The fires died too, a murmur seemed to approach him and his house. A few shy steps, a hand touching the wall, dragging its fingers on it as they were walking and getting closer. Hippos can’t move, petrified, unable to defend himself, the sound of the fingers dragging on the wall were terrifying him. Like the cry of hurt dogs, the walls were crying. A lightning and a weird shadow appeared behind him, he couldn’t make out the shape of it. But he knew that they got to the window, the steps were approaching the door. A wet touch on the door, it was slowly opening, creaking, Hippos started crying out of sheer frustration and anger that he couldn’t move. They were approaching, carefully, in all the darkness the only thing to be heard were the steps, and the heavy breathing. He felt something going down his legs, he didn’t know what it was in all his numbness. Down at his feet, a puddles was forming, which only scared him more. They were really close, he knew that, he could hear them being only a step away from him. His back, tingling… He felt their eyes on his neck, staring. A hand, on his back, moving up and down, they were examining him. Their hands were now both on his back going up along his spine, getting to his tense shoulders, with gentles movements both hands go over his shoulders to his neck, getting tight. His heart was beating like crazy, started hyperventilating, head felt light, knees weak, arms heavy. A small head on his shoulder, he felt the wet hair, another strong heartbeat in his back. The head rose from his shoulder and he felt a peck on his cheek. Suddenly the arms released him, the feet started making noise as they were moving around him. And there she stood, in front of him. Holding his hands, pulling him towards her. She had moved him, his tears wouldn’t stop. All this time, it was her, she had ran through the pouring rain, to him…

And in Rome.

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Attropolis VIII


Caution: Attropolis contains strong language, sexual content, disturbing images and immoral grotesque behavior. You have been warned.

He saw a bolt of lightning coming down from the skies, a bright white like splitting into arms of the shape of knives. They were illuminating the street, his face lit up, the arms had hit the water, suddenly it had turned into a light show, electricity dancing in the water hitting the buildings and bouncing from the buildings towards him. He raised both his hands up in the air like embracing… The electricity had hit his feet, coursing through him, coloring him white, blue and a loud thunder was heard as electricity moved to his face. Eyes turned blue, hair turned yellow then white, and a gust of wind blew from behind, his hair in the wind, dispersing… He stood there bold, electrified, tears were coming down his face, just as the rain started to pour again. His steps felt light, as he put one foot in front of the other, the speed at which he was moving was increasing. Every drop of rain that was falling onto him was lighting up, suddenly the streets were filled with bright spontaneous bursts of light as he was running back home. He burst through the door of his home, his parents, mortified, they barely recognized him. He has white eyebrows, the small hairs on his body turned blonde. His mother came to him, angry, disappointed, yet somehow it felt like a giant rock was lifted from her heart. The father seeing him, was horrified, he knew that this could be nothing but a bad omen, feeling powerless, he went to grab a bottle of some wine, sat back down at the table and poured himself a pint of wine. And another one, then another one, and another one, then another one. The boy still had electricity in him, so as his mother approached him, she got zapped. His father put his hand on his face, sighed, looked at her, she started laughing, and so did he. The child in his confusion started laughing as well. This family was strongly tied together, the two lovers that became parents met as children during school, much like their child is in love already with someone. They got married when they were eleven, just before she got her first menstruation. As in love as ever even today, as they were when they first met, at the ripe old age of seven. But their life wasn’t always perfect, they first tried to have a child the night they got married, it didn’t pan out sadly. It took them seven years worth of trying before they got the little ball of joy that is Hippos. They had multiple miscarriages, some voluntary, due to the jealousy of others and some involuntary. The laughing had stopped in the house, the mother went to put dinner on the table for the little rascal, as he went got a cloth, some salt, doused the cloth in water, put some salt on it, he started scrubbing his teeth. The father, still drinking his wine, with a lot of dread in his eyes. Hippos started scrubbing real good on his teeth, faster and faster. Suddenly everything started floating, a lighting came down hitting his parents, both turned to ash in an instant. The house, being from mud bricks, got cracked and ashed, but didn’t burn. As he heard the thunder, Hippos turned around, shocked to see his parents dead…

And in Rome…

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Pilot Program - Literal Generic


Michael - 28, Actor

I finally made it, I can’t believe I’m here. Being lucky to live your dream is simply a blessing, even if the road here was nothing but a nightmare. I guess that’s why they say that it’s worth to fight for your dreams and never give up. That’s what he thought to himself… Being back in his dressing room, getting ready for rehearsals, Michael’s excitement was palpable as he fell down on his knees, shaking. Ten years, it took him ten years to get to where he is now. That somehow seems to the usual amount of time before you can taste real success.

Finally, I’m here, at the rehearsal, for my favorite director. Now don’t be such a wuss… Shaking… Hah. I deserve this, I’ve worked my ass to get here. I went through literal fucking hell to get here. Especially because everyone here thinks they’re the artists of all artists, a genius of some sort. Ironic, they’re as generic as they come, nothing else. Acting like they know art and their vision is the only true one, denying anyone or shutting anyone down out of fear of being outsmarted or put to shame. Insecure motherfuckers… Yet, they put you through hell at the first sign of any kind of opportunity. Though they act like angels, these spawns from hell.

Michael, a 28 year old actor, that doesn’t know what it means to give up. A stubborn man that has no competition when it comes to being spiteful in the most interesting of ways. He’s worked at the same construction company for years, while auditioning for parts here and there, to little success until now.

Adeline - 26, Actress

I don’t know why the fuck he got offered the part. What could have he seen in him? He is such a basic ass bitch. I swear, if he keeps me back and ruins the show, I’m going to castrate him. Just to make sure he’ll never reproduce. Do you know how important this play is for me? I’ve been busting my ass for a while, and having such an important director come here? Fuck, that’s a one in a billion chance. So, we have to take this chance, man. This isn’t Broadway, we have no big actors to compete with. But it’s our chance out of here.

It’s what she said, but compared to what Michael was thinking: I’m going to fuck this up, I’m going to fuck this up, I’m going to fuck up the fucking Scottish play. He seemed very composed on failure. Yet this is just the beginning of his journey… Well, not quite. You’re not even reading the beginning, this is just an introduction to Literal Generic.

The Pilot Program is a series where you vote for your favorite next series for 2020. How do you vote? By reading, sharing, liking, commenting and that way, you will choose the story for 2020. This is just the second in a string of short stories. The first one being 20 Questions:

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