My Motivation

Pilot Program - Literal Generic


Michael - 28, Actor

I finally made it, I can’t believe I’m here. Being lucky to live your dream is simply a blessing, even if the road here was nothing but a nightmare. I guess that’s why they say that it’s worth to fight for your dreams and never give up. That’s what he thought to himself… Being back in his dressing room, getting ready for rehearsals, Michael’s excitement was palpable as he fell down on his knees, shaking. Ten years, it took him ten years to get to where he is now. That somehow seems to the usual amount of time before you can taste real success.

Finally, I’m here, at the rehearsal, for my favorite director. Now don’t be such a wuss… Shaking… Hah. I deserve this, I’ve worked my ass to get here. I went through literal fucking hell to get here. Especially because everyone here thinks they’re the artists of all artists, a genius of some sort. Ironic, they’re as generic as they come, nothing else. Acting like they know art and their vision is the only true one, denying anyone or shutting anyone down out of fear of being outsmarted or put to shame. Insecure motherfuckers… Yet, they put you through hell at the first sign of any kind of opportunity. Though they act like angels, these spawns from hell.

Michael, a 28 year old actor, that doesn’t know what it means to give up. A stubborn man that has no competition when it comes to being spiteful in the most interesting of ways. He’s worked at the same construction company for years, while auditioning for parts here and there, to little success until now.

Adeline - 26, Actress

I don’t know why the fuck he got offered the part. What could have he seen in him? He is such a basic ass bitch. I swear, if he keeps me back and ruins the show, I’m going to castrate him. Just to make sure he’ll never reproduce. Do you know how important this play is for me? I’ve been busting my ass for a while, and having such an important director come here? Fuck, that’s a one in a billion chance. So, we have to take this chance, man. This isn’t Broadway, we have no big actors to compete with. But it’s our chance out of here.

It’s what she said, but compared to what Michael was thinking: I’m going to fuck this up, I’m going to fuck this up, I’m going to fuck up the fucking Scottish play. He seemed very composed on failure. Yet this is just the beginning of his journey… Well, not quite. You’re not even reading the beginning, this is just an introduction to Literal Generic.

The Pilot Program is a series where you vote for your favorite next series for 2020. How do you vote? By reading, sharing, liking, commenting and that way, you will choose the story for 2020. This is just the second in a string of short stories. The first one being 20 Questions:

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Heart to Heart

This is my first rant of 2019, welcome.

I probably talked or have written about similar things before, but now I want to hit on something else, my own happiness.

Why aren't you smiling more?
Well, because you don't give me a reason to smile, maybe it's not your fault, cause I might have things on my mind and I am worried. Maybe it's because you disappointed me, you made my life harder, or took a decision that now I have to deal with. Maybe, it's because you're a hypocrite.

Why do you always joke? You know that's unprofessional, right?
Cause I am funny? Cause I can see the irony? Because it's unbelievably stupid? Because the situation is funny? Or because it reminds me of something funny.

Why are you always so serious? Can't you take a joke?
I thought you wanted me to be more professional and serious, which is it? Or is it that you only want to joke when you ain't the butt of the joke?

You should be happier! Enjoy life more.
I should, but you stand in my way.

Here's how people stay in my way:
They're hypocrites. That's it, thank you.

Nah, I'm joking. Not done, otherwise this fucking rant is pointless, I need to get my point across more clearly so that it hurts.

I can be plenty happy on my own, or with the content I choose to digest, the food I enjoy, the people I choose to be with, and who I am. Happy plenty, grateful plenty, cheerful as it can be. But…

If you stand in my way for no other reason than being an asshole, if you hurt others or make their lives harder and mine too by proxy, then I can’t be happy.

If you’re acting all high and mighty but you’re doing the same thing you accuse those of doing, then you’re a hypocrite and you’re doing no good to me or anyone, so I can’t be happy.

If you choose to take advantage of me, my time, my skills and then throw at me empty words when you are punishing me, then I can’t be happy… How can I?

If you’re creating problems for me because you don’t care, then how can I be happy?

If you’re a business owner, manager, boss of any kind and I see you take advantage and punish your workers for your mistakes, then how can I be professional and be cheerful working for you?

If you’re a hypocrite that is in a position of power and does all this and all this impacts me directly, then how can I be happy? Well, if you’re a hypocrite and you’re asking me to “be the better man” that means you’re the lesser, that means that you just want to take advantage of me or others, that means that you’re blind to how toxic you yourself are. So don’t ask me to be happy, professional, the better man… Because I don’t need you to ask any of that from me, because I know I can be. But that doesn’t excuse you. Yeah, you. Democrat, republic, whatever… All the same shit to me if you’re a hypocrite and can’t do what you ask from others.

Conclusion: If you want the best from someone, be the best and give your best too. Don’t mistreat them, don’t punish others for your mistakes and your idiocy.

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My Motivation

I believe that everyone has some motivation when it comes to their choice in acting a certain way, so here are mine.

my motivation.jpg

We all want something, we all have desires. Things we don't agree with or want to change, something that might bothers us or see unfit for the world that we live in. Or just maybe there are things that stand in our way, in what we want and thing we ought to achieve. So we tear through others, we rig the system in our favor, we manipulate others to achieve our own goal and happiness. What a sad, pathetic thing to do. While for some this might seem as a sign of power and determination, I see it as a move of a coward that has no dignity. Yet I'm not one to talk, I can't. This whole thing about being powerful without a righteous claim to it, only by the law of the jungle seems unfit. Especially for the species that regards itself to be intelligent, sociable and above all else. So then, what is my motivation? What do I desire? What do I want to achieve? How do I want to achieve it?

My motivation is freedom, and I am not talking about the freedom that any citizen thinks he has in a democratic country. I am talking about doing whatever I want and affording whatever I desire, not being held down and held back by anything. I want to be able. This might sound crazy since I have no disability, and people would interpret things in such way that they can find something inherently wrong with anything. As for the other two questions, the answer is pretty simple. I want a better world, I want better education for everyone. I want a better quality of life, I want equality, I want more stability and more thoughtful people. And for the how, well that's a bit more complicated.

I want to write, to continue writing. I want to publish as many books as I can and write them all in a week if possible. Yet here we have the first problem, I cannot do that. I work because I have to work, I study because I have to study, I have to do these things that keep me trapped from what I want to do full time and renounce the rest. So thus my motivation and what do I desire becomes much more clearer. As to why I want what I want to achieve, the motive is simple enough. I'm an idealist, not to be confused with a perfectionist, a perfectionist will do everything in their power to make it as it was asked or as it is supposed to be in the system that is in place. An idealist on the other hand is someone that tries to find ways to improve the environment around him and for others, always in search for an ideal. So in order to do what I want to achieve, I want to give people other options, I want them to think, to see outside the box. Even if I am prone to failure from the very beginning, due to the modern human's mindset. I want others to be free, like I want to be free, I don't wish others to crumble at my feet. I want to give others like me the same chance and inspire them to take it and push ahead. 

I am not a coward nor am I brave, I just might be stupid enough to try and do something else. This dude does not want to abide.

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