In Sanity

The Greatest lie ever told was that there is a “normal”.

This world and its system is in such a way crafted that you are either insane or in sane, with no in between. You, your values, your personality, actions, words, either are for decency or indecency. It is rather hard to believe when you look at people, for a myriad of reasons, that there is anything more than this binary. Because anything against decency is indecent. Anything besides any of the minimum basic decency of what constitute basic human rights for all, is pro-discrimination. There is no world where you can have any sort of decency and argue against that. Yet somehow, at some point, those indecent folk managed to turn gullible, naive, ignorant people into their weapon of hate, discrimination and insanity. And yes, that is one extreme of this whole debacle, there are still plenty of insane people that consider themselves to be of sound mind and reason, that discriminate yet call themselves people of common sense. All of which wouldn’t be a problem if our systems worked. But these insane people are in power everywhere. And they’ve been in power ever since humans have gathered into what we call societies today. Which can only drive decent people insane…

Reading is not enough, nor is knowing history not enough. In all these activities in a world of insanity, knowing something or reading, does not mean much if you do not teach yourself to think. Insanity, much like any other sort of delusion or psychosis ingrains itself in people that do not use what they have. As they use a grain of truth to full you into eating a plate of hate that fills your anger. As this grain takes root into a person, they turn blind. That blindness turns their anger into fury, which turns into acts of aggression towards anyone they hear disagree with them. At that point that person is lost to their insanity, as no reason, no logic, no anything will reach them. The roots of that grain grew to envelop their hearts in darkness and evil. Their blindness infects their ears when it comes to common sense or any sort of self-criticism. They’ve become something worse than human, they’re a monster with the appearance of their old shell. As no human is evil, and anything that is evil, is not human. 

These non-humans try to fool us into thinking we are just like them. And that their world is normal, and ours is not. They try to spread self-doubt, and bring you to their side. Only a fool would look at them and see their darkness as light. Yet there are plenty of fools that have no forethought as they can survive without it that take the plunge into something easier, not thinking. As in order to think, you need to be enlightened and see even in their darkness what they actually sell you. Otherwise, you will find yourself that you have sold your soul to the devil, your body to the machine and your mind to those monsters that want you to hate and fight your brothers and sisters.

The solution? Is not hope, it’s not promises, it’s showing that there is an alternative to all that. Otherwise there is no antidote to the poison they are selling. When the algorithm feeds your addiction, and you have no self-control, you blame the algorithm, a cabal that want to control you and anyone and anything you do not like. Yet you yourself are feeding upon the slop and poison they are presenting you without any sort of self-reflection upon what it is you put in your mouth. When you waver on whatever it is you consider decent or right, you are indulging yourself into feeding the grain that poisons you. And when the whole history of humanity is full of people engrained in this ideology, blind to their own behavior, there is not much hope for those in sanity to keep fighting those insane.

So, in order for change to occur all people should first and foremost look upon themselves with the same critical eye they look upon others. As without this, there is no world where insanity can be vanquished as the wheel of violence wheel keep on turning as there will be plenty of monsters to run upon the will and keep it spinning until we die out due to our own hubris and ego that kept that grain of hate well fed and alive.