When love bears fruit, miracles happen.
202X, long before the story of The Horrorscope
Do you remember when we first met? You annoyed me so much, she says smiling as she looks down. Yeah, that was mutual, he responds as he gives her a kiss on her forehead. I am scared now, she says. It’s fine to be scared. It’s not like anyone can prepare you for this. And this is the first time we are going through something like this. I am scared as well. Will I be good enough? Will be able to do the right thing? He asks as he holds her to his chest with his right hand combing through her hair. I didn’t even have time to think about that, she says while sighing. Maybe that’s better, he says with a smile. We figured it out until now, we will probably figure it out from here on as well, she says. I think this is the first time we actually had a minute in these past six or seven months where we could take a minute to actually talk, he says. Without needing to take snap decisions? Absolutely, she says. It feels good to take a moment for ourselves, he says. I can’t believe the life we’ve lived. And we’re what? 30? It doesn’t feel real, she says. Yeah, after that rock hit the ocean, and hundred million died, including our families, and our homes. I don’t know how we even got here, he says. Agreed, it feels like a blur. I wish they were here with us in this moment to see this miracle, she says as tears start to run down her face.
Ten years ago… 201X
I am afraid, Damian, she says. What? That asteroid? They haven’t confirmed that it will hit. And, you know that we need this vacation, he replies. I know. But I can’t help but worry. Both our families are near the coast. And if it hits in the ocean, what if it creates a tsunami or something and it hits while we’re gone? she asks. I don’t think that will happen. From what they said, it was a small one, and even then, they are quite inland. And might I remind you, that it’s still a few days away before anything is confirmed. So, we might get back home before anything happens, he says. Okay, you might be right. But I read the horoscope and they said that something big is going to happen for each and every sign, that’s the first I have ever seen something like that happen, she says. Lupe, I know you are anxious, and for good reason. This is the first time in our modern history an asteroid is confirmed to hit somewhere on this planet. But until now the horoscopes weren’t that accurate, so whatever might happen, we will deal with it right then and there, says Damian. You are right, let’s just enjoy this short vacation. We’ve earned it.
The two board the plane. Hand in hand they look at each other as the plane takes off. After three hours of flying, the sky turns dark for a brief second as a loud whooshing noise is heard by everyone on the plane. A large burning asteroid is seen entering the atmosphere. As everyone starts screaming, the asteroid lands in the ocean. Second after a booming noise is heard, as a strong wind knocks the plane spinning off course, directly into a river.
Back in 202X
A miracle, yeah, you could call it that, says Damian. To land exactly on a river and miraculously for everyone to survive, is a miracle, says Lupe. And now look at us, you are pregnant with our child, we have a family, the world finally feels like it makes sense again, says Damian. Oh, says Lupe. What? asks Damian. My water broke, says Lupe. Okay, okay, we’ve practiced for this. I know what to do. Don’t move! he exclaims with joy. The two get their stuff as an ambulance arrives. They get taken to the hospital. I think I decided on his name, she has through the contractions. Which is? he asks. Keiteki, she answers. Love it, he says as he holds her hand. The both enter the birthing room, together with the doctors after waiting in the waiting room for another four hours, as she was dilating. Half an hour later in sweat she screams as the doctor keeps instructing her to breathe and push. I can see the head, the doctor says. Come on, sweetie, a bit more, just push a bit more, says Damian. She lets hour a giant scream as she pushes, the doctor falls on his back. Lupe keeps pushing as the doctor gets up rapidly to hold the baby’s head. Damian stands up not knowing what to do. The baby starts crying, Damian sighs with relief, Lupe’s head hits the pillow with exhaustion and the doctor with a terrified look on his face gets up with the baby in his arms. He hands it to the nurse. The nurse with a shocked expression hands it to Lupe.
A scream echoes throughout the hospital as a goateed and hairy baby cries in the hands of her mother.
This is the first part of a 4 part monthly series that will be exclusive to Nobody The Extra blog about each zodiac sign in The Horrorscope world.