Guide to Being a Good Person

I do not really care about your philosophy on life, what your religion is or whatever negative thoughts you might have about the following words. But, if you do feel called out or offended by anything I have written here, it is a good time to reconsider who you are and who you think you are. Not because this is a personal attack, I do not know you. And as per the title of this blog, I am a Nobody in the grand order of things. If you just might kindly or rudely disregard every word from here on out. Which is full on your right to do so. Just because you or I, have the freedom of expression, does not mean that I or you, have the right to the attention of anyone for that matter… Unless you instigate terrorism or hate crimes, in which case you do deserve the full attention of the authorities..

So, you probably are a horrible person, welcome. You are not alone, nor will you ever be alone in this regard. But over the course of my short life, compared to others that have lived for over 80 years and have seen some stuff, I can say that I have seen enough to draw some conclusions on my own just like you drew yours. And considering that by societal standards I am an adult, I have thought to take those conclusions and write them down. Well, I had this idea for a long time, but never really had the wording right or all thoughts in order. Now after all that said, since you probably are a horrible person, you might want to be a better person. And that is going to be the hardest thing you will ever do in your life, if you decide to do it and become a better person. Not that I am an expert, but as I said, I do have some ideas.

So, what makes a person good or bad? Well, the simplest version would be the following comparison, good is like light. Bad is like darkness, meaning the lack of light, or by this logic the lack of good. So being good means not being bad. But you might say that everyone has a different size for what bad is or what good is. You can’t fit everyone in one convenient definition. Well, I just did, unless you see in darkness like you would during a sunny day, well, good for you, but I think you might be a mutant with special abilities.

So, you gave up and accepted what I wrote there, which is why you are reading this. And now you are asking yourself where I’ll actually start this guide. Which is here. Because if good is the lack of bad, then we can draw some lines in the sand. And for what is in the actual line, meaning those gray areas, well, those remain sort of debatable, but for another time. The same applies to punishment regarding bad people and their actions. And if you think, but I know that I am not a good person and that’s okay… Well, let me tell you that is not, and you should change because, you knowing that fact is not a free pass to be an asshole, you are simply part of the problem.

Yet the guide is very simple. It has rules as ancient as speaking or writing. So here’s how to be a good person. By the way, if you find yourself being one of those people mentioned below, please do seek professional help or talk to your friends or family about these things. Unless your friends and family reassure you that it is okay to be a bad person, in which case you need better friends and a new family.

  1. Do not hate* - If you hate consenting people that love each other, yet do no harm to minors as adults, or do not harm animals, well, you are a bad person no matter what your religion, faith, whomever tells you whatever. If you hate people because they disagree with you and you think they are your oppressors because everything is too “PC” and “cancel culture is out to get you” because you can’t say the n-word or bully or be hateful towards someone, you’re a bad person no matter what your religion, faith, whomever tells you.

    *this however does not apply to hating nazis/fascists, any type of nationalists aka xenophobes, racists, homophobes and so on and so forth. Because hating those people is fine. Hate should NEVER be tolerated. But Nobody, aren’t you doing the same? Well, no. There is a major difference between someone that hates people and doesn’t want a group of people to not have rights because. And someone that hates the group of people and doesn’t want them to have rights. Because hate and harming innocent people should NEVER be tolerated.

  2. Do not harm others** - If you harm others physically, emotionally, psychologically, you are a bad person. Abuse is abuse, whatever its form is. Your freedom, be it that of speech or otherwise ends when you hurt others. Or if you are a danger to yourself and those around you. This, of course, if I wasn’t clear enough, includes discrimination. So, if you say that some people are lazy or that they deserve it. And so on and so forth, you are hurting their chances for upward mobility, because now you are someone that whether willing or unwilling is standing in their way, due to your attitude and action.

    **this however does not apply to people that are violent in their actions or speech. By this, I do not mean that people should intervene to punish them or give them a taste of their own medicine, but what I mean is that the authorities should do their job and restrain them from harming anyone.

That’s it. See? Easy. These should be the norm, considering that we’re in 2022. Not an abstract thought that I have on a Thursday evening after years of debate with myself about what makes a person good or bad. And if you are still thinking “but what about what I want”. Or if you think you are justified in what or how you think… Then fuck off, kindly. Live in the woods, by yourself with no one around to judge you for the horrible person you are. As long as you have: plumbing, running water, electricity, the internet, live in a house you haven’t built yourself, eat and buy stuff you haven’t grown yourself, pay taxes, drive cars. As long as you are surrounded by other people and profit and make use of what other people made… You can either choose to be a good person… Deal with the hate you are getting back or fuck off. These are my honest thoughts that have been bubbling up in me for over a decade now. And I am glad to have them out and about.