I am so done with this, she says as she locks her phone and throws it on the bed. I need something to drink. Her thoughts wandering about love. If destiny exists, after I die, I’m going to kick it in the dick. It’s not fair to let me look for my soulmate for two years now and not find him. And if I wait any longer, I am going to flip. Hear that, you prick? She screamed as she found something to drink her sorrow away. I don’t know why I’m talking to these walls. The apartment gets silent and lonely quite quickly. She turns on her TV, puts on some Netflix, and looks and looks and looks for something to fill the quiet loneliness with at least some background noise as she continues to ponder. But there is nothing that captures her attention, so she switches to YouTube where she puts the first video about something or other, she doesn’t know what since she wasn’t even bothered to read the title. The volume, too loud, scares her as she pushes on the remote to turn it quickly down. Now, she melts back into her couch, thinking.
Why is this so hard? I don’t understand it. You can’t take it too seriously, because if you do than you are a creep and what do you mean you want to get married in the future? Pfff… And if you don’t take it too seriously, you are just playing with them and hurting their feelings. Why can’t they just say what the fuck they want? But they all want sex. Oh please, show me those that just want sex, at least they know what they want. Her ramblings continued like it was just another Tuesday, because it was indeed just another Tuesday where she would get drunk after a bad date or after getting ghosted by a Tinder match. Frustrated and under the impression that she is already tipsy after the first few sips of alcohol, she turns back to YouTube to put on some music. She starts dancing through the night as she thinks of happiness and her place in the world.
A knock on the door, getting louder and louder. She stops from spinning and dancing bewildered by the 11 PM knock. She stops the music, goes to look who it is at the door. Hello? She asks. Can I help you? She continues as she peaks through the viewfinder. Seeing a young man, she quickly opens the door. Hey, she says with a dumb smirk on her face. What can I do you for? He looks at her up and down. Can you please turn it a bit down? She looks flabbergasted at him. The music, ma’am, the music. She starts laughing, I’m not that old, l o l. He scratches his brow looking at her. Listen, I have a PhD to write and your music is really loud at this hour, so let me give you a life hack. You can use your headphones. Same volume, but just for you to hear. She laughs at him before turning serious. Fine, this old lady won’t bother you anymore. Disappointed she closes the door behind her. And here I thought this was going to turn erotic and fun. But I’m guess now I’m just old independent strong lady. Someone should sue the porn industry and Hollywood with their romantic comedies for creating unrealistic expectations. But then, another knock at her door…
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