Just a simple day


Waking up with the sun in your eyes, blurred in the reality, finding something to eat while watching television. Having a coffee while smoking a cigarette. As the smoke vanishes into thin air, you start your new day.

Taking a shower after you wake up. The steam of the hot water that hits your face is trying to clear your vision. Yet when you wipe your face the only thing remaining is a clean sense of dread. Now, on your way to work. Looking in the eyes of strangers, your thought run away to a weird place and you get to ask yourself "Will I become what I just saw? Someone with that kind of agony in their eyes?"As everything looks the same, the thought that you already are one of them, starts to get stronger and stronger into your brain. A solution seems to fade away with the question itself, as you work through the day. Finding yourself home at the personal computer, doing your routine, the question pops up again in your brain. You go out for a drink, looking at the people around you, it starts to click as you find yourself in everyone around you.

As the path remains, you try to make something new in the start of a new day, but a pattern shows in the bright of that early morning. And as you try to change everything, you lose yourself. With every step you make, the less you know about who you are, losing even the past. Everything around you crashes and turns into dust. As alone in the middle of the night, you stare at the screen. Becoming more and more ignorant of the reality that stands right before your eyes. Empty as the night's sky in the middle of a big town, you wander around with the agony of death written in the depth of your eyes, smiling to fit in the environment around you. So, the only fear that you had has embraced you, and with that you became what you didn't want.

But as with every story and every truth, there must be a spark, a change. As the sun sets down in your eyes and the darkness sets place in your heart. Finding something that you liked or you loved is hard. The smile from your face faded away long time ago, the smile you had, and the laughter you lost, they couldn't be found. As you smile or laugh, and see or hear yourself. You start to ask "Where and when did I become something like this?"Finding an old video cassette of you as a child, hearing that innocent and clear laughter, seeing the smile you once had. Tears start to roll down your face, regretting what you had and lost because of the road that you had to take. The rough life that everyone seems to know, but no one went through. Watching the tape, you hear that one song that was in your consciousness for a second, you regain that smile and your laugh. But as the song goes on you lose them, you lose yourself. But like everyone you must sleep at night, and you do too.

The night passes, fighting your way through sleep, as the sun shines in the sky. In this morning you jump from the bed and it doesn't even matter why or how. But you found the energy to make a change. The only thing that made him this way, was a dream. A dream where he found that one person, where he made it to his star, made something different with his life. As the day went on, he remembered that it doesn't matter how people are. You do not have to compare yourself to them and the only change he had to make is to dream. As the dreams fueled him, he made his way to the place he always wanted.

Through life you learn one thing, that the dreams you have, even the unimportant ones, will keep you different... alive, creative. As dead as he could be on the inside, without any dreams, as alive he became... As he started dreaming again, even without that smile, laughter, or innocent look in his eyes. He was never so alive as he is now.

Consider donating: https://www.paypal.me/RaulFO

 Originally published on the 28th of September 2012.

Welcome to the new home of Nobody The Blog

It's been quite some time. So I welcome you all back. For those new around here this is Nobody the blog. A blog with short stories, rants, excerpts from books I write and commentary on said excerpts. Basically I'm trying to be the embodiment of those little voices we all have in our heads. A mockery of all that's holy and normal. Yet with a very valid point to take into consideration. If any psychologist is reading these stories, please e-mail me and tell me what's wrong with me. Please. Moving on...

I tried to define this blog many times, doing commentary on news reports, writing short stories, ranting. But after publishing my books, I came to the conclusion that this blog needs a bit of refinement. And with that, I will re-boot slowly the blog. Editing and changing old stories, having a second post as an addition to the original, something to give them more context, to build on them. Since I find that many stories I've written in the past, could use an update. As much as I like my 3 AM, blurred, mindless, mistake filled writing, I there's something more I want to try with this blog. But this does not mean that I'll just rehash old material for clicks. What I am doing, is introducing new readers, like you, to the journey I've been throughout years.

So, now... What to expect on this blog? Well, weird short stories, excerpts and updates on what I am working on, rants and weird ideas. I will also try and experiment with the short stories that will be here. Try new styles, genres, abstract and fantastical elements. In order to have a more diverse, interesting, weird reading experience. This time there will be one post a week. At least for the next 30 weeks. That I can promise you. So, whether you're a new here or old. There will be something for you to read after you watched everything, when you're bored at work, home or if you're stuck somewhere you don't want to be. And the most important thing about this blog, is the fact that it's for nobody. Welcome.

Scheduled posts:

A simple day.
Just another simple day.
The Time
MIdnight Rain
Walking through a hurricane
Trapped: Post
Simple Life

These are some of the upcoming posts you should look forward to in the upcoming weeks. And with that, see you next week. Also a note, if you want to keep updated with every little thing I'm doing, subscribe to the sub-reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AuthorRaulFO/ or follow my Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/raulf-o these are the places I will post on daily.

Consider donating: https://www.paypal.me/RaulFO