Author Raul F. O.

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Attropolis XLVI

A bloody sword, a giant man over two graves, a small girl talking, the red skies dawn and with bated breath I turn around. An arrow lands at my feet, I run, the blood rush makes my skin feels like its burning, sweat rolls down on me like my body is crying. Every breath of cold air fills my lungs and energizes my every running step as I stomp down. Tree after tree passes me, as the brown of the earth beneath my feet is covered in last’s autumn leafs. The green, lush, crowns of the trees let cover me from the blinding sunlight. My sandals bury into dirty, but my arms pull me forward, and the fear of death thrusts me further into the woods. Everything starts to look the same, the noises of the forest start to overwhelm me, as I stop to try and guide myself in the right direction. Nothing looks familiar, nothing hints at the place I should head towards, because I ran, and I ran out of fear and without thinking too much, but where it felt natural.

The sun will set, the night will take over and I will be alone in a pitch black forest without any help, lost to the gods of nature. Now I ponder what I did to deserve to be punished by them, when all my life I had followed laws, thanked the gods and lived a peaceful life. Panic settles in my heart, hand on my sword, on guard from the movements and sounds of the environment, the trees seem to grow by the second as the close out the sky and hold me prisoner. The end of the forest is nowhere to be seen, left, right, ahead are my only options. Afraid to look back, because they might be after me, because they might be there and I don’t want to know. I start running again, trying to tempt fate, the gods, and with hope that no forest is infinite and has an end to it, any end to it.

Blue hues start to appear on the sky, signaling my demise getting closer and closer. So, I run and I run, the palpitations of my heart make me feel like I am burning and getting near to the end of my powers. In my haste, my eyes pick up a red color, like that of blood dried on the earth. I stop. The mane of a horse, yet built like a bull, inward curved horns, pitch black eyes like that of a monster, and a furry lizard like tail, a monster! I thought I was hallucinating from all the panic, I thought I was seeing the impossible, the Bonnacon. Out of desperation, I throw myself towards it screaming like a lunatic with my sword erect. The monster turns, raises its tail and a nasty smell hits me in the face, it burns. It burns so horribly, it smells. I faint and wake up in the arms of another Roman soldier that found me laying face down in a turd. I am safe…

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