Author Raul F. O.

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Attropolis XXVIII

The army had settled, the battle plans were set too. The route towards Creetus was drawn and the mobilized army around Macedonia and Greece was patiently waiting for the great Caesar to start his journey towards another triumph. Happy that Olanus was there next to him, displeased with the fact that he had let Alicaria come with him. And the fact that he saw the moral boost she had given the troops just with her presence annoyed him even more. “Mere animals.” he spoke softly under his breath, talking about his soldiers. The frustration regarding the loss of Creetus was overwhelming him, no matter what was happening around him. He felt disrespected, dishonored and discombobulated by the lack of competence shown by his governors. Since they were people he worked with for years and that had shown him the qualities he thought right for the jobs they were tasked with.

Olanus still shocked that he had a now dead son, something he thought he wouldn’t get to have, due to the nature of his job, and the guilt of his actions. His focus wasn’t what it was supposed to be, Augustus saw that, but he himself wasn’t very lucid either. How could one live knowing their only child was killed? How do you forgive yourself when you were never present in the life of your child? When instead of taking care of the family you were supposed to have, you were whoring around, drinking, enjoying life, all while a child was growing up without a father. If he knew, he could have protected Juliusegos, if he only knew. The rape of the child, the rape, could have been prevented. This only grew on his conscious, the dread, the pain, the suffering the child must have felt in his final moments.

The clear skies, the nice warm breeze that was hitting their faces as they marched northwest was making this much easier for them. At a calm pace, the clinking and the clanging for their armor and weapons was harmonizing with the trots of the horses and the songs of the birds. As the sun set, the orange skies were defusing the colors bathing them in a bright red that was glistening off them like they were vengeful gods descending upon Earth to punish and cleanse it of those unworthy. The first stop came around… A small city north of Rome. Right as the sun had set and night had reached them...

And then…

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