Author Raul F. O.

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Attropolis XLIV

Swinging his sword towards Anus, Olanus is very much careless in his attack, another swing diagonally towards his chest, misses. Anus with a quick punch to Olanus’ face, it doesn’t phase him as he pushes himself into Anus and throws him to the ground. Falling to the ground together, they both headbutt, Olanus now with a headache rolls off of Anus while holding his sword erect towards Anus. Alicaria screams at them to stop, Anus cautious her to stay back, yet she is hesitant to listen, wanting to jump in and stop Olanus. Anus runs towards his brother, sword tip towards the ground, step after step he gets closer and Olanus is ready. He swings up and the words meet in the middle with a loud clash of steel, quickly they swing again. but to no avail. Swing after swing and parry after parry, the two were dancing like they a fine choreographed theater piece.

Olanus flustered and frustrated plunges ahead sword first trying to pierce through his defense. Anus tightens his stance, brings his sword close to his body, and deflects it, leaving Olanus wide open at the back. But, being a giant he is, he barely turns back thus missing, with the tip of the sword. Olanus turns and with a wide swing of his sword hits Anus’ sword and destabilizes him. Sword first he throws himself towards him. In his fall, Anus dodges the sword and trips his brother up. Anus plunges his sword into his leg, Alicaria seeing this screams. He pulls his bloody sword out and plunges it into the ground through Olanus’ leg, rendering him useless. But Olanus rolls ahead, pulling the sword from the ground and getting away from Anus, bleeding from the leg, he pulls the sword out and stands up. Anus coming from behind tries to tackle him before he can do anything, yet he turns and Anus stops in his track.

You underestimated me, brother. You are good, but not good enough, even one legged I managed to win. Surrender. Anus displeased declines his offer and tells him that he’d better be prepared to kill him. As you wish, I could at least grant you this wish. I am sad that it had to come to this, but it is either you or the rest of the people here, and I don’t want that, not for you and your stubbornness. Olanus raises the sword he has in his left hand, Anus looks him straight in his eyes. I had a child, says Olanus in a sad tone as the sword comes down. Alicaria jumps between the sword and Anus and has her neck sliced, as she smiles and dies. Blood paints the fields and the two brothers red, in shock Olanus falls back, tears start to flow down his face as he screams in agony…

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